Adelaide and Districts Branch 2024.
We aim to preserve and further the practice of Scottish Country Dance across Adelaide and Districts.

Who is the Committee? (taken from the Constitution):

The Committee shall comprise: 

  • Honorary President 
  • Honorary Secretary 
  • Honorary Treasurer 
  • at least four and no more than six Ordinary Members 

who shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting of the Branch for a period of one year only and

  •  ex-officio the chairperson of the Teachers’ Panel or his/her appointed delegate. 

Members appointed to the Committee may serve a maximum term of five (5) years consecutively followed by a minimum of one (1) year’s retirement before standing again for election. 

The Committee shall have the power to appoint such officers or sub-Committees as are required to carry out the Objects of the Branch, including a Vice-President, and a Public Officer as required by the Act, and may discuss or delegate any of its powers to such officers.